How to Make a Gypsum Mold With Silicone Rubber ( Video )

Talking about gypsum materials, a lot of products that can be produced from gypsum materials and the most commonly found in the market is the procurement of gypsum for home or building decoration, in this case related to interior decoration such as ceiling of the house. And not a few gypsum materials are in production for handicrafts or artwork. Why gypsum? because the gypsum material is easily shaped as needed and the price is affordable for the middle class down. For gypsum used for home decor, many types and shapes of profiles can be made by gypsum materials, such as plain profile, flower or carving, korbel, crown pillar, and ornament profile.

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Galeri Foto Pekerjaan Plafon Klasik Terbaru

53Dalam bangunan yang bergaya klasik tata ruang atau dekorasi interior harus benar benar di perhatikan, dalam hal ini terutama dekorasi langit langit atau plafon merupakan bagian dari interior yang sangat di maksimalkan penataannya ataupun konsep desainnya agar tampilan interior lebih berkesan artistik sesuai dengan konsep bangunan bergaya klasik. Pemilihan desain di harapkan dapat menyesuaikan dengan fungsi,luas ruangan dan yang paling utama adalah ketinggian dari lantai, semakin besar dan semakin tinggi sebuah ruangan, maka akan semakin maksimal dalam menerapkan desain plafon yang bergaya klasik. lanjutkan membaca

Pillar as The Point of Building Architecture Strenght

In architectural design, also called mast pillar serves as a support or the support strength of the structure of a building. Many of the materials used for the manufacture of the pillars of materials ranging from wood, metal and concrete columns, there is a round shape and also there is a box. The use of elements of the pillars has existed since ancient times, in Indonesia the use of the pillars can be found in traditional house like a Java Joglo houses, houses Tower in Sumatra, Borneo Longhouse house, gate house Bentar temple in Bali and others. Generally, the materials used for the manufacture of the pillars at the custom house is of the highest quality wood which has the strength and durability of the old, wooden pillars material is commonly adorned with carved accents. continue reading

The Dome Beautification as a Point of Building Glory

19The dome is part of the architectural design is located on top of a building and can serve as a roof. The dome is round, there is a round conical and spherical oblate like a piece of the ball. The use of elements of the dome in the architectural design of the building has always been used, in Indonesia, the dome has been known since the days of empire as seen at Borobudur stupa shaped like a dome. At this time almost all mosque building in Indonesia wearing dome element in the architectural design, as well as mosques in the Arab countries. At the mosque dome placement lies in the middle of the building structure that serves as the main roof. Many also have a small domed mosque on every corner of the building as a counterweight to the main dome. The dome can be described as a symbol of grandeur, and the greater the higher the dome shape, then the direct appearance of the building as a whole will look more stately and handsome. continue reading

Architrave as a Beautification Point

Basicly architrave meaning is a profile shape or ornament  made from  a bar  to frame a door or window frame such as figure which frames an image or picture. Architrave is an accesories part for decorating a building appereance. Main function of architrave  is to beautify door or window style and appereance entirely, a building appereance and shape  looks more interesting. For a house, architrave instalation  can be done at out side of door or window frame or inside to make a connection between space such as room door, kitchen door, and connected door  to other doors. As accesories, architrave using will add some special interesting effects for appereance of building either classic architecture building or minimalist. continue reading